Hi, this is a simulated management game. 

You're the owner of Dungeon Avenue No. 108, a weapons shop nestled in the entrance of the dungeon. You sell weapons to the adventurers. They bring back materials for you to craft new weapons.

When trading with teams, you can check which floor of dungeon these team are heading to. The deeper they go, the more expensive materials the team would give back to you (if they could come back alive). Expensive materials can be made of high-quality weapons. High-quality weapons can raise the survive rate of the team. 

As the jam time is tense, we did not finish the economy system. So there is no goal of the game. Just enjoy it and get likes from the team as much as you can!

If you have any ideas, feel free to leave your comments! Enjoy the game! 


Damien Mayance: water effect https://github.com/valryon/water2d-unity?tab=readme-ov-file


Eder Muniz: Free Pixel Art Hill https://edermunizz.itch.io/free-pixel-art-hill

Atelier Pixerelia: [Verboten Arcane Stash] Mini Characters https://pixerelia.itch.io/vas-mini-characters

Max Parata:voxel country side 3D https://maxparata.itch.io/counrty-side

brullov: Oak Woods — Environment Asset https://brullov.itch.io/oak-woods

Dai420:Public Bus https://dai420.itch.io/public-bus

lelexy100: unity-card-play ui rotation https://github.com/lelexy100/unity-card-play

Lint and Buttons: reversed timeline code

pimen: explosion https://pimen.itch.io/fire-spell-effect-02?download

Font:https://vrtxrry.itch.io/dungeonfont & https://github.com/scott0107000/BoutiqueBitmap9x9

border: https://gx310.itch.io/pxiel-art-ui-borders

start page image: https://lukepolice.itch.io/pixelariuminterface

Thanks for these free assets!!

Contact: inzdpx@gmail.com

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